Sicherlich haben Sie schon einmal das VAH-Logo auf einem Desinfektionsmittel entdeckt. Kennen Sie auch die Hintergründe?
Im Folgenden erklären wir Ihnen, was es damit auf sich hat.
Unsere Desinfektionsmittel FIX & DES bulk 7.5 und clin surface 7.5 sind VAH-gelistet.

About the VAH
VAH is the abbreviation for “Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene e.V.”. It was founded in Frankfurt on November 11, 2003. VAH members include experts from the fields of hygiene, public health, microbiology, virology and infectiology, as well as scientific societies and professional associations. The VAH is committed to quality assurance of hygiene measures.
VAH list
is the list of disinfectants and procedures tested by the Association for Applied Hygiene. It is considered the standard reference for routine disinfection in medical and non-medical facilities.
What requirements must disinfectants meet to be listed?
All VAH listed products
- meet the specifications of the quality requirements for efficacy for chemical disinfection procedures according to the KRINKO recommendations (recommendations of the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention) or the recommendations of other scientific societies (e.g. Working Group for Practice and Hospital Hygiene of the AWMF, DGKH) with the information on the spectrum of activity and type of application.
- meet the requirements according to the currently valid DIN-EN standards with the specifications.
- are effective against bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant or gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeast fungi. These effect spectra are at least required for the application of disinfection processes in any case.
It is also possible to have the following additional spectrum of activity certified: tuberculocidal, mycobactericidal and fungicidal.
For all products with a VAH certification, two independent expert opinions and test reports were submitted for quality assurance and their conformity with the requirements for certification was confirmed by the VAH. Only test reports from laboratories that regularly participate in VAH interlaboratory comparisons for quality assurance purposes are recognized for this purpose.
For all VAH-listed products, it has also been possible since 2010 to have the test reports and expert opinions on virus effectiveness confirmed, certified and listed in accordance with the current scientific status (DVV/RKI, EN):
- limited virucidal
- limited virucidal PLUS
- virucidal

Das alkoholfreie Breitbanddesinfektionsmittel FIX & DES bulk 7.5 eignet sich für die Desinfektion von Flächen aller Art und erfüllt außerdem EN 1499:2017 „Hygienische Händewaschung“. FIX & DES bulk 7.5 ist bakterizid, fungizid und begrenzt viruzid und hilft somit wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen sicher gegen SARS-CoV-2-Viren (behüllte Viren).
Es erfüllt zusätzlich folgende weitere Qualifikationen:
- dermatologisch getestet: „sehr gut“
- klinisch dermatologisch getestet, bereits für Kinder ab 2 Jahren: „excellent“
- IHO-gelistet
- koscher- und halal-zertifiziert
Das Schnelldesinfektionsmittel clin surface 7.5 findet im Ärzte- und Klinikbereich sowie im Gesundheits- und Pflegewesen zur Desinfektion von Flächen seine Anwendung. Clin surface 7.5 ist alkoholfrei, schont somit die Oberflächen und überzeugt außerdem durch seine praktische und einfache Handhabung: aufsprühen – Einwirkzeit beachten – abspülen – fertig!
- bakterizid und fungizid
- ohne Chlor und Aldehyd
- kein Gefahrstoff gemäß Gefahrstoffverordnung
- entspricht den Anforderungen der EU-Lebensmittelhygiene-Verordnung Nr. 852/2004
CARELA® biocidal products contain only biocidal active substances according to Article 95 List (ECHA).
Use biocidal products with care. Always read label and product information before use.
Surely you have already seen the VAH logo on a disinfectant. Do you also know its meaning? We explain what this is all about.
The disinfectants FIX & DES bulk 7.5 and clin surface 7.5 from CARELA are VAH-listed.

About the VAH
VAH is the abbreviation for the German “Association for Applied Hygiene”. It was founded on November 11, 2003 in Frankfurt. The members of the VAH include experts from the fields of hygiene, public health system, microbiology, virology and infectiology as well as scientific specialist societies and professional associations. The VAH is committed to the quality assurance of hygiene measures.
VAH List of Disinfectants
is the directory of the disinfectants and processes tested by the Association for Applied Hygiene. It is the standard reference for routine and targeted disinfection in medical and non-medical institutions.
What requirements must disinfectants meet to be listed?
All VAH-listed products
- meet with the information on efficacy spectrum and type of application the guidelines of the quality requirements for effectiveness for chemical disinfection methods according to the KRINKO recommendations (recommendations of the commission for hospital hygiene and infection prevention) or the recommendations of other scientific specialist societies.
- meet the requirements of the currently valid DIN-EN standards.
- act against bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant or gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeast fungi. These efficacy spectra are at least necessary for the use of disinfection methods.
It is also possible to have additional efficacy spectra (tuberculocidal, mycobactericidal and fungicidal) certified.
For quality assurance, two independent expert opinions and test reports were submitted for all products with a VAH certification and their conformity with the requirements for certification was confirmed by the VAH. Only test reports from laboratories that regularly take part in VAH round robin tests for quality assurance are recognized for this purpose.
For all VAH-listed products, it has also been possible since 2010 to have test reports and expert opinions on virus effectiveness confirmed, certified and listed in accordance with the current scientific status (Guideline of the German Association to Combat Virus Diseases (DVV), Robert Koch Institute (RKI), EN):
- limited virucidal activity
- limited virucidal activity PLUS
- virucidal activity

The alcohol-free broad spectrum disinfectant FIX & DES bulk 7.5 is suitable for the disinfection of all types of surfaces and also complies with EN 1499: 2017 “ Hygienic hand washing” (phase 2, step 2). FIX & DES bulk 7.5 is bactericidal, fungicidal and limited virucidal and is scientifically proven to be safe against SARS-CoV-2 viruses (enveloped viruses).
It also fulfills the following additional qualifications:
- dermatologically tested: „excellent“
- clinically dermatologically tested for children from 2 years: „excellent“
- IHO listed
- kosher and halal certified
The rapid disinfectant clin surface 7.5 is used in the medical and clinical sector as well as in the health and care sector for the disinfection of surfaces. Clin surface 7.5 is non-alcoholic, so it is gentle on the surfaces and also impresses with its practical and easy handling: spray on – pay attention to exposure time – rinse off – done!
- bactericidal and fungicidal
- without chlorine and aldehyde
- no hazardous substance according to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances
- corresponds to the requirements of the Regulation No. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs
Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Source: https: //