Swimming pool and wellness
Swimming pool hygiene starts with cleaning and disinfecting agents from CARELA®
Swimming pools and wellness facilities are used more frequently than other leisure facilities by people of all ages for sport, recreation and social interaction. The almost unclothed visitor has direct physical contact with the walking, sitting and lying areas. For this reason, the operators of swimming pools, medical baths, saunas and other wellness facilities place very high demands on hygiene. A high demand on hygiene is synonymous with a high demand on cleaning products!
The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) recommends drawing up a hygiene plan for swimming pools in which “the necessary cleaning and disinfection measures should be described in detail”. The goal of hygiene is to reduce or eliminate as far as possible the risk of infection for bathers that can arise from other visitors or environmental conditions.
Find out here which methods, products and systems CARELA® offers you for thorough and sustainable swimming pool hygiene.